Homeschool Forums & Social Media
Statewide Groups
"Homeschooling in Oregon" is OCEANetwork's Facebook group for Christian homeschoolers in Oregon providing various threads for support. Request to join by contacting the Facebook admin.
Local Groups
Clackamas County Christian Homeschoolers a Facebook page for those homeschoolers in the Clackamas County area.
Firmly Planted Homeschooling Groups facebook page for the Portland area Christian firmly planted co-ops.
First Class Clackamas Teens Facebook page for Christian homeschooling families of teens in the Clackamas County area.
Homeschool eLink is a moderated email list for interested homeschoolers to forward and share information. It is Christian based but inclusive of anyone who wishes to share and receive wholesome information in the group. It serves the Oregon City-Molalla-Woodburn area (eastside of the I-5 corridor). To request to be added to their homeschool email loop, contact Cindy Kercher at
Homeschoolers of Portland is an active (almost 3,000 strong) facebook group forum for local information about homeschooling.
Life@Home is an OCEANetwork affiliated support group seeking to support Christian families who educate their children at home. The L@H Yahoo Forum provides a place for members to ask questions, share ideas, get to know one another, and promote events of interest to homeschoolers.
Portland Homeschooling Resources is a Facebook group particularly focused on unschooling in the Portland metro area.
Southeast Christian Homeschool Community has a Facebook page for homeschoolers in the Southeast metro area.
For more listings:
Portland area email groups and websites is a list provided by the Oregon Home Education Network (OHEN), Oregon's secular home school group.
See our Co-Op page for our list of Christian homeschool co-ops and OCEANetwork's "Find A Support Group" for their listing of Christian groups. Most homeschool groups have their own social media for members to stay connected.