This area is for messages posted to our community from those in our community.
If you have an event, activity, or class you would like to inform homeschoolers in our area about, please create a post.
All posts must remain respectful and must inform about something other homeschoolers in our area would likely find useful. (Selling non-educational merchandise is not allowed).
Please be sure to include who/what/where/when/how much. Please do not post any personal information you do not want on the web.
Businesses are welcome to post if they believe their services will benefit our homeschool community.
No spam. No trolling. No arguing. Be accurate. Be nice.
The CHOC Board makes no guarantees on the accuracy or advisability of any post. Please use your own discretion as this is a public forum.
The CHOC Board will monitor and remove any and all inappropriate posts. All posts become the property of the CHOC Board.